Olivia Tutors

Making Excellence the Everyday

Exceptional Tutors

All our tutors are exceptional practitioners with a foundation of years within the classroom and private tuition.

All Subjects

We provide tailored tuition from entrance examinations to the UK’s most prestigious of institutions to University preparation.

Online Tuition

We offer tuition for clients based in the UK and internationally.

About Us

We are Dedicated To Providing an Exceptional Education

We are an exceptional British tutoring agency providing expert and tailored educational services to pupils in the UK and Internationally. Our tutors are highly educated with years of experience in the classroom and in private tuition. Our expertise has enabled students to thrive in the UK’s most challenging entrance and national exams.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple, we love our subjects and we want to transfer this passion through our tuition, with a hope it will continue far beyond our time together.

We provide bespoke one-on-one private tutoring that caters to the unique requirements of each student, implementing effective solutions that steer them towards a prosperous academic career. We are not just tutors, we are educators.


Entrance Examinations

Entrance Examinations


11+ and St Pauls Girls



English Literature

English Language




Our Tutors

We are privileged to have established a dedicated team of tutors who place the greatest emphasis on the love of learning whilst helping our students to achieve academic success. Every tutor is a qualified secondary school teacher with QTS. The selection process is rigorous as we know that you are entrusting us with your child’s external educational provision.

Each tutor is personally interviewed by our director Olivia, to ensure that they are passionate educators with high expectations of both themselves and their pupils, and that their view of education is aligned with that of Academic Excellence. All of our tutors are assessed; have their references checked and provide their enhanced DBS certification.